
Physical Education


1878858.jpgAt BWSS we believe that being healthy and active is an important lifelong goal for our students. Therefore, we aim to provide many opportunities for our students to engage in physical activity and sport outside of their usual physical education lessons.

We are involved with Sporting Schools Program which allows us to provide a range of different programs throughout the year for our students to participate in. Whether these programs are delivered by visiting sporting groups or by our own school staff, these programs are a great way for students to try a number of different sports they may have never played before or just enjoy learning new skills.

Our students in years 5 & 6 are also given opportunities to participate in a local inter-school sporting competition where our school teams play against other local school teams in a range of different sports.

Our school is a strong believer in providing pathways for students to succeed in representative school sport. Our school is affiliated with Broadwater District Sport and South Coast Regional Sport and supports students who are highly skilled in their chosen sporting field to attend trials for these competitions.

Our school also holds a number of school sporting competitions throughout the year where our students compete against each other to earn points for their House teams. A student is allocated a house team upon their enrolment with the focus being on keeping families in the same house whilst ensuring there are even numbers allocated to each house. Our house teams are Stradbroke (red), Broadwater (blue) and Tamborine (green).

Throughout the year our school holds the following sporting carnivals:

Cross Country (whole school)

Junior Athletics (Yrs Prep-2)

Senior Athletics (Yrs 3 to 6)

Junior Swimming (Yrs 1 & 2)

Senior Swimming (Yrs 3-6)

BWSS also has an outdoor swimming pool on campus and we strive to offer our school swimming program to years 2-6 students in Terms 1 & 4 and to our yr 1 students in Term 4.


Last reviewed 07 November 2022
Last updated 07 November 2022